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RB Michaels Reply Page

RB Michaels will reply to every review given on this Reply page. RB Michaels appreciates every creative mind and wants you to know how much you all help him in the process. Thank you. 

Replies Section

Carolyn P

Thank you Carol; It was a pleasure to work with you. I look forward to seeing your book published and good luck with your queries. 

Timothy R.

Hello Tim and thank you very much. I enjoyed our interaction and the work we did on your books. I'm very proud of your work and was overjoyed to hear you have queried. I wish you all the best and success. I look forward to your second book.

Laura T,

 What is this, our third book project working together? I enjoy your books so much, and it was a real pleasure to be a part of the Witches of Tradlebam series. We are currently working on the third book as you know and I cannot even begin to tell you how much I appreciate your creative mind. To see how much you have improved really gives me a joy I cannot express. But also, you should know that you have helped me very much without knowing. Thank you Laura. 

New Client

New Client Reply

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