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Books / Trailers

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Book 1

Knights of the Wind

The Power of the Mage

The Power of the Mage is the first book in the exhilarating. trilogy series, the Knights of the Wind. The story unfolds as danger emerges again from the world's depths by a once vanquished evil. A young brave knight arrives on the scene from impossible circumstances to fight against the darkness. As he bravely prepares with the help of a great wizard, Jarrod realizes he cannot do this with just skill alone.  Order now to find out if Jarrod can find the strength and resources to defeat this evil.    

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Book 1 Trailer


Book 2

Knights of the Wind

The Evil Within

The Evil Within is book 2 in the exciting Knights of the Wind trilogy. The action begins immediately as Jarrod struggles to hold back the evil inside. His friends and a powerful beast come to his rescue to help destroy his own evil once and for all. But is it too late for the world of Yshanall? Can Jarrod and his allies defy all odds to save the land and unite all the factions against the enemy? Order book 2 to see Jarrod continue the struggle and find out what is next in this riveting, action-packed series.    

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Book 2 Trailer

Book 3

Knights of the Wind

The Last Mage

The ultimate final conflict will decide the fate of all in this gripping finale. Jarrod is forced to face his own evil and make an extreme sacrifice to save his friends and the world. Epic battle scenes, cities under siege, and the final confrontation take this series to a climatic end. Jarrod's strength and courage will be tested, and his determination to rid the world of this evil forever will define the outcome and unification of all people. Jarrod faces death and demons to discover his destiny.  But does he have the will to face off against the most powerful creatures and magic the world has ever seen? Can Jarrod, a half-elf from a simple life, really be the one who can save the entire world? Read The Last Mage to determine the outcome and destiny of Jarrod and the beautiful world of Yshanall.    

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A Sneak Peek at RB Michaels Future Books.

Mary Alice


This novel is based on a true story and follows a young Missionary to Ethiopia in the late 1940s and early 1950s. Mary Alice is thrust into many situations while also trying to help the nearby impoverished colony. Her mission was to help the villagers and research a cure for leprosy but discovers that the missionaries stationed there had vanished without a trace. Mary Alice and her friends must find a way to survive, help the people and at the same time, be the mediator between warring tribes and the brutal Italian army general who is determined to kill everyone. While juggling science, medication, war, and faith in God, she is led to something that will change all circumstances and perhaps the world. Can she keep this a secret? A team of Religious Archeologists tracks Mary Alice down to see what she knew and if she was one of the only people to have actually seen this artifact in over two thousand years. Read Mary Alice to discover her struggles through life and her incredible faith. This book will make you laugh, cry and root for the most unsung heroes ever imagined. 



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Knights of the Wind

The Witch of Languar

Coming Soon!

The Knights of the Wind Saga continues with new struggles and shattered lives. For over ten years, the world has lived in harmony and peace.  However, a new evil touches the land. Amira is The Witch of Languar, risen to power by a strange twist of fate, and has her sights set on revenge. Everyone is in danger from this new powerful threat especially Jarrod and his family. Amira's rage is fueled by Jarrod's rejection and the Witch unleashes an evil never seen before with one intent. The utter destruction of Jarrod's family and the end of all human reign. Enhanced with new evil powers granted by the dreaded Avalon, Amira's power grows so strong, that not even The Last Mage can stand against her. But is it too late for human survival? Can Jarrod and the Knight of the Wind protect the world from such a powerful force? Read The Witch of Languar to find out if the Knight of the Wind and Jarrod can  protect the land and survive this new onslaught. 

Death in the Window


A shy psychology major has been scorned and picked on her whole life. A celebration ensues when she is selected as a criminal profiler in the most esteemed agency in the federal government but is turned into a laugh fest when her supposed friends set her up for a great big joke. That was the last straw, and she turns inward to an entity seen in her apartment window that changes her into a snobbish, revengeful bitch. Terror and fear take over as she unleashes fury on everyone who wronged her. She has a change of heart when she realizes she is no longer in control and everyone around her is in danger. But is it too late to stop what she has awakened and correct her misguidance, or will she become its next victim? When Death in the Window seizes YOU!

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