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About the Author

Beach Town

RB Michaels Biography


RB served in the US Navy, and while in the avionics field, he was introduced to the role-playing game, Dungeons and Dragons. The team spent countless hours immersed in the game, with nothing else to do overseas..​ RB advanced his characters and moved into the master position, where he used his imagination to create worlds of adventure for all the characters in the game.


This continued when he left the military to a point where his imagination and creativity burst into reality. He started the World of Yshanall then and began the creation of a book series from these moments. He realized that through all the game worlds and adventures, never once had we actually finished a game. This was not to be the case this time, and thus began The Knights of the Wind series. 


Once the military was long out of the picture, RB worked with a worldwide engineering firm in the Pulp and Paper industry while he continued to write, where he is still an Engineer to this day. 


Now with the trilogy on the verge of completion, RB has now received an Online Editor Certification and is using those skills as he prepares to retire from his company in 2024 after 36 years. RB will continue to write and edit into his retirement and help others to publish their work.

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